Embajada de Australia
Argentina, Paraguay y Uruguay


Travel Documents and Consular Fees

Effective 1 March 2025


Travel Documents Application Fees


Acceptable methods of payment for passport applications and notarial services

All fees are charged in either Australian Dollars (AUD) or Argentine pesos (ARS). Fees are payable by credit or debit card. Cash and cheque payment are not accepted.

Fees in ARS may vary on a monthly basis, depending upon exchange rates. Debit card payments in ARS can only be accepted in person at the Australian Embassy Buenos Aires (the Embassy) and cannot be processed via a manual transaction. 

Another person may make payment on your behalf. Should your payment nominee not be present at the time of your interview, the Embassy may accept their credit card payment if the Credit/Debit Card Authorisation Form is completed and signed by the credit card holder appropriately.






PASSPORT (32 page)






CHILD (16/17)*








SENIOR  (over 75 years)*




Replacement Passport Adult** $259    $170,175



























The issue of a UN Travel Document (Titre de Voyage)





Please note:      
*Fees include an Overseas Surcharge Fee (AUD 184  for adults and AUD 90 for minors)
** Only available to replace passports with full visa pages or minor damage or where a name change is not eligible for free replacement. Existing passport must have more than two years’ validity remaining. 
The above fees apply and are payable under the Passports Act 2005 and Regulations.
Fees are reviewed at the start of each month and adjusted for exchange rate fluctuations.
No GST is payable on the above fees.
Passport fees also apply to Diplomatic and Official Passports.


Consular Fees




Administering an oath or receiving a declaration or affirmation



Effecting, or attempting to effect, service of a document and issuing a

certificate or affidavit of service or attempted service of a document



Witnessing a signature or seal on a form or declaration



Preparing a declaration or other document



Verifying and certifying a copy of a document or part of a document



Signing a document, or affixing a seal to a document or other article



Witnessing the execution of a will



Transmitting a document or other article through official channels



Transferring funds through official accounts, other than for the purpose

of the realisation of a deceased estate



Preparation and issue of an Apostille certificate



Preparation and issue of an Authentication certificate



Preparation and issue of a Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage



Please ensure that documents relating to notarial services you require for the Australian Government / Embassy / Consulate, are presented in the correct form and that you provide the correct instructions for the notarial service you require. If you are unsure of the legislative requirements relating to the notarial services you require , you should seek independent legal advice. Please note, that neither the Australian Government nor the Australian Embassy / High Commission / Consulate in Post / Country guarantees the legal effectiveness of the document or the accuracy of its contents. Fees paid for notarial services are non-refundable.