Embajada de Australia
Argentina, Paraguay y Uruguay

Notarial Services

Notarial Disclaimer

Please ensure that documents relating to the notarial services you require from the Australian Embassy, are presented in the correct form and that you provide the correct instructions for the notarial service you require. If you are unsure of the legislative requirements relating to the notarial service you require, you should seek independent legal advice. Please note that neither the Australian Government nor the Australian Embassy in Buenos Aires guarantees the legal effectiveness of the notarised document or the accuracy of its content.

We provide notarial (document legalisation) services to Australians in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay from our office located in Buenos Aires. 

Notarial services are legal acts which allow a written record to be used for official or legal purposes. This includes using a document in a court of law. Notarial services are only for documents that are Australian in origin or intended for use in Australia. We charge fees for our services.

These services include:

Before you request our notarial services, ask the receiving authority what they need from you. In many cases, you might not need our services.


Frequently asked questions

Can you provide me with guidance or advice on the notarial service I require?


You must ask the receiving authority what documents they want, and which ones you must get legalised. We can't tell you what the receiving authority requires. You must ask them directly.


Can the Honorary Consuls in Asunción and Montevideo provide notarial services?

Honorary Consulate staff are not authorised under the relevant legislation to perform notarial services.


Can I send my documents by mail?

Yes. But only the following Notarial services can be submitted by mail:

  • Certified copy of original documents
  • Apostilles

You should contact us at  [email protected] for mailing instructions for your documents.   


My original document is laminated/damaged. Can it be used for a notarial service?



Can you apostille my digital document?

You should email us your digital document for assessment.


Can you witness my Commonwealth statutory declaration?

Yes. We can witness your Commonwealth statutory declaration.

However, you may not need our services. Please note that as of 1 January 2024, changes were implemented to allow statutory declarations to be completed via MyGov without the need for a witness. Please see the relevant information here.