Embajada de Australia
Argentina, Paraguay y Uruguay



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Latitude Financial Services data breach

13 April 2023

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is aware of a cyber incident impacting Latitude Financial Services.  

Copies of approximately 103,000 identity documents have been stolen from Latitude Financial. This includes a small number of passports.   

Latitude Financial Services is contacting impacted customers directly and continues to investigate the matter to determine the full extent of the cyber-attack.  

Foreign passports were also compromised through this cyberattack. If Latitude Financial Services have advised you that your foreign passport information was compromised, you should contact the government that issued the passport for advice on what to do.

Impacted passports are still safe to use for international travel. Your passport number cannot be used to obtain a new passport. Robust controls are used to protect passports from identity takeover, including sophisticated facial recognition technology. Further information on how your passport may be impacted can be found on the APO website(link is external).  

Advice on safeguarding your personal information can be found on the APO’s webpage on protecting against scams and identity theft (link is external).   

Customers can also seek help from? IDCare(link is external), a not-for-profit organisation that specialises in providing advice and support to the Australian community in responding to identity theft.  

Advice on how to protect yourself and your family from cyber security incidents is available on the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s (ACSC) webpage at: www.cyber.gov.au(link is external) 


Consular Emergency

En caso de emergencia consular (no visas), fuera del horario de atención, llame al 1 300 555 135 (desde Australia) o al +61 2 6261 3305 (desde otros países)

In the event of a consular emergency (not visas) outside office hours, please call 1 300 555 135 (from Australia) or +61 2 6261 3305 (from overseas)




Si tiene una consulta sobre Visas y Ciudadanía debe llamar al Centro  de Servicios Globales de Home Affairs al +(00)61 2 6196 0196* o referirse al sitio web www.homeaffairs.gov.au .

Le informamos que la Embajada de Australia no responde a consultas sobre esos temas.

Muchas gracias.

*Se trata de un llamado internacional (no celular) por lo que su empresa telefónica aplicará los costos correspondientes .





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Study in Australia